Tag Archives: Las Alturas

A Georgia-Costa Rica connection

I’ve found these wax mallows (Malvaceae, Malvaviscus spp.) in both Savannah and Costa Rica. The species’ range of  M. arboreus – the likely Georgia resident – extends into South America, but there is an endemic to Costa Rica — M. palmanus. The specimen from Las Alturas has pubescent stems and sepals, but I’m not sure if this is characteristic.

A malvaceae in Las Alturas probably in genus Malvaviscus.
Malvaviscus aboreus in Savannah.

Revisiting Río Bella Vista

Río Bella Vista remains stunning and quite unchanged since my first visit in 2013.

Darko, a coordinator for the REU, and Cristian are seen in the background of a few images.

Including a couple of short videos of the river’s flow.