A few years ago I featured some Bird’s Nest Fungus – a basidiomycete that looks a bit like a bird’s nest with eggs. Here are a few images with a different camera and macro ratio.
Tag Archives: Fungus
Lichen bed
Bird’s Nest fungus
A basidiomycete (Nidulariaceae), the fruiting bodies of this saprotrophic fungus resembles eggs in a bird nest.
White and Black Lichens
Lichens from Cumberland Island
From crustose to fruticose, Cumberland Island is rich with lichens, many of which seemed to be forming fruiting bodies in abundance. Some of the round, egg-like lichens that dwell on the ground’s surface covered a light gap, similar to those I photographed at the Ogeechee Canal. While not pictured, there were also red lichens covering spots of Live Oak bark.
Some lichens in the Sand Hills
A couple of lichens in the sand hills at the Ogeechee Canal.