Tag Archives: Streams

Leaf loaf set out

Today, with the much-appreciated help of a few volunteers, Jessica’s artificial loaves of leaves were set in the stream.  The next couple of weeks will include some intense sampling and processing efforts, but given the work done today, it won’t be a problem.

Nine artificial loaves were attached to stakes set into the stream bed in five different riffles.  The nine include two leaf treatments, previously conditioned in the stream and unconditioned.  Jessica will be sampling them to examine winter invertebrate colonization and FPOM deposition.

Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 13.50.54
Frigid conditions greeted us.
Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.33.38
Fun to be had anyway

Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.02.25
Scott secures a loaf

Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.34.04
Extremely tightly
Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.34.45
Ariel put the finishing touches on a few leaf ka-bobs
Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.59.54
View of a single riffle
Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 14.02.03
A few attached leaf packs
Jessica's Artificial Loaf set out - 01.17.2011 - 15.00.18

Reserva Biológica Hitoy Cerere

An hour and a half hike up the Hitoy Cerere River in the biological reserved named for the river, Boa and I came across the pictured waterfall spilling into the Hitoy.  The name of the river comes from a language spoken by Native Americans in Costa Rica, and I think it translates to describe the clear water and rounded rocks covering the river bed.

The reserve is hidden away up the mountains from Dole’s banana plantations in Valle La Estrella (see the map below) and protects part of Rio Hitoy Cerere’s watershed and most of a few other smaller tributaries draining from the north.  Guessing from experience in temperate and tropical systems, I’d estimate Hitoy to be a 5th order stream: large and open, but not reliably navigable.  Further, the river is superficially similar to that in another reserve I’ve had the opportunity to visit near San Ramón – the San Lorencito in Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes.  The cline is certainly not as steep, and the fish assemblage is more substantial (i.e., high abundances of characids and greater fish diversity) due to the lower elevation of Hitoy, but the surrounding/riparian forests and soils are appear similar.

ANAI, a group developing biomonitoring techniques for Costa Rica water ways, has used Hitoy as a referencing point for both aquatic invertebrates and fishes.

Now… all I need is to develop a proposal examining elevational gradient effects on invertebrate and fish communities important in Costa Rican biomonitoring… then I can work in these unbelievably beautiful stream locations.

Hitoy Cerere Falls - 09.24.2010 - 13.29.09_stitch Hitoy Cerere Falls - 09.24.2010 - 13.30.15_stitch
Google Earth map showing the rough outline of Hitoy Cerere (Blue) and some of Dole's banana plantations (Red).

Rio Camarones Oraganic Matter input

I study decomposition in aquatic systems, and most research in this area focuses on leaves as the major source of outside input of organic matter into these systems.  However, in tropical systems, flower and fruit material can make up a substantial portion of OM input in streams, as discuss in Tropical Steam Ecology and evidenced in this photograph.

While sampling, flower parts rained into Rio Camarones in Sirena, completely covering the surface.  And, just like in Ohio, the stream was filled with abundant crustaceans, probably acting as shredders!