Tag Archives: Osa Peninsula

Unknown Leptodactylid

Leptodactylidae - Eleutherodactylus sp 1 (stenegamous) 3-21-2009 6-58-15 PM. - Leptodactylidae 3-21-2009 6-58-15 PM

My herp count did not include amphibians or reptiles that I wasn’t completely certain on their identification (or at least, fairly certain), like this Leptodactylid (rain frog).  It’s certainly a different species from those that were included in the count, but I can’t provide a definite identification, and therefore I cannot enter it in my herp database.

The perch this frog is using in a small leaf’s petiole, just to give some scale.

Mangrove Black-Hawk

Near the tide pools at Campanario, we spotted a Mangrove Black-Hawk after hearing its distressed call while sitting in a nest. The photos may not be all that sharp, but from as far away as I was, it’s good enough. Although I’m by no means an ornithologist (or really even a bird watcher), it seems like a good sighting given that the bird’s range is restricted to a narrow margin around the Pacific coast (Garrigues and Dean 2007).

A couple of birds

I haven’t seen all that many birds yet and I’ve captured even fewer with photographs, likely because I am usually preoccupied with ground dwelling herps. Here are two that I’ve gotten photographs of though. One is a fly catcher that I have yet to identify (mostly because I’m writing in a bed and the bird book is in the closet…. I guess I’ll call it a Great Kiskadee, although it’s a bit small for that), and the other is a Cherries tanager. Maybe I can get some help on the identifications… Update – it´s a great kiskadee…lame.

