A common house plant, this asparagus fern (actually an angiosperm, not a fern – Asparagus setaceus) is near Pulaski Square.
Tag Archives: Plants
Mountain Laurel
Dense vegetation at the Paramo
A dense and diverse community at the top of Cerro Chai.
Common foxglove
Digitalis sp. cultivar at a fountain.
Armstrong flowers
Some flowers on Armstrong’s campus and in the greenhouse.
Musa flowers
A non-native banana (Musa rosacea) found along and in stream beds at Las Cruces Biological Station.
Herbivory and Detritivory in Mangroves
Herbivory and decomposition are important processes in Florida mangroves.
A tree at the top of Cerro Chai
A purple flower among the green
I haven’t a clue what it is, but it looked pretty…
An epiphytic Piper
Piperonia sp.