Tag Archives: Costa Rica


Ostracod - 06.25.2010 - 07.52.43

Ostracod - 06.25.2010 - 07.53.12 This ostracod (seed shrimp) was stuck swimming in a pool formed atop a water lily.  In general, they appear quite abundant, and this particular species/group are relatively large. That said, in the photograph to the left, there is a plant called Wolfiella next to the ostracod that is one of the smallest ‘macrophytes’ out here.  In the other two photos you can see the legs or antenna the animal uses to propel itself.

I’ve collected many and may be able to say more about them in the future.

 Ostracod - 06.25.2010 - 07.53.45

Senticolis triaspis

Colubridae - Senticolis (Elaphe) triaspis - 06.26.2010 - 08.23.23

A new snake species for me, I had misidentified this juvenile Senticolis (formally Elaphe) triaspis as Trimorphodon quadrupex (now distinct from biscutatus) (Savage and Bolanos 2009 Zootaxa), but the reddish color and round pupils didn’t sit well with me.  When I keyed the snake out, I discovered that the juvenile is very different than the adult.  Although it’s a very pretty, young constrictor, it’s fairly aggressive and has bitten several times – luckily, I didn’t misidentify a poisonous snake… Colubridae - Senticolis (Elaphe) triaspis - 06.26.2010 - 08.21.00

Colubridae - Senticolis (Elaphe) triaspis - 06.26.2010 - 08.17.51

Colubridae - Senticolis (Elaphe) triaspis - 06.26.2010 - 08.17.51-2 With the photographs I took of the snake, I discovered some anomalies on its head – Ticks! It’s a bit difficult to see here, but there are two ticks, buried deep behind its head.  I’ve removed them, but the snake was completely ungrateful.

Tha wata’ comin’

Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.08 Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.17
Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.31_stitch 2

  As I stated before, it’s quite easy to see the rain coming (here and here and here and here too).  Huge sheets of rain cloud views of the distance mountains and hills.  Although I wasn’t able to photograph it because I quickly shoved my camera in a dry bag, the sheets climbed and draped over the mountain to the right and headed straight for me.  They were so heavy, not only was it impossible to see the mountain, but it was difficult to make out a birding tower about 100 m away.

Additionally, I’ve been taking a number of panoramas in the field and quickly stitching the photographs together using Microsoft ICE.   They make amazing backgrounds for the new wide-screen displays that are standard on today’s laptops and desktops!

Trail to Bocana

Trail to Bocana - 06.18.2010 - 11.10.26

With an f-stop of 1.8, I can start to get some photographs in the understory without the picture turning out completely blurry.  It would have been nice to have this lens on the Osa trip last winter, where a dense canopy inhibited my ability to photograph the trail.  Here, in Palo Verde, a fast lens isn’t quite a necessary, because the canopy is less dense and it’s always sunny.