Tag Archives: Costa Rica


Areli on a horse - 06.30.2010 - 09.58.43

I don’t know how to spell her name (maybe it’s Arelli, Arelly, Arely or something completely different), but she’s a Nicaraguan women assisting Mahmood with his frog traps.  She’s currently away, but will be returning next week for more work.  I believe she wants to go to graduate school, eventually, but that’s also hard to tell because all of my conversations with her have been in Spanish.  I’m still learning, but she’s been helping quite a bit.

Diversity effects on decomposition

Here’s a big post illustrating a decomposition assay I recently set out in the wetland.  I created bundles of dead, dried macrophytes in various mixtures, attached them to 3-m of nylon rope and tied the rope to posts in the wetland.   I’ll be collecting a sample soon and may post another sequence.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.20.04
The overall weighing set-up
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.20.25
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.21.15
Bundles of different plant mixtures were separated and stored in these mesh bags until use.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.21.31 Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.05
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.28
A pile of cattail waiting to be weighed.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.41

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.23.05
Some bundles were placed in a bucket

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.23.49
Data entry
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 12.08.11
Accumulating bundles

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 12.08.55
A poor photo, but this shows the raw material - large bags of dried plant.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.25.06
A few small piles of water lily, water hyacinth and Neptunia.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.55.13
A tag and ziptie.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.26.04

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.55.56
Finished bundles
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 07.58.26
An array of 21 different combinations of organic matter
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 07.58.38

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 08.25.30
Each bundle was attached to a nylon rope
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 08.25.51
Imagine 3 m of this!

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.43.00
Post placement in the wetland.
A view of the posts
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.45.05
A sinking bundle

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.45.39
Number 70

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.46.17
Another bundle
Views from the fence - 07.03.2010 - 14.47.34
The wetland is deeper and more lush this year