Trechalea extensa with an egg sack!
Tag Archives: Las Cruces

Tree fern from the Wilson Botanical Garden.
I’ve made many tree fern posts because they are bizarre (at least as someone who grew up in the
Smilisca phaeota

Mushrooms on a log
At the trail intersection of Quebrada Cerro in Las Cruces.
Botanical Garden Stroll
Pollinating bees
A few banana images from the Wilson Botanical Garden.
Quebrada Cerro
One of my favorite streams within the Las Cruces preserve is Quebrada Cerro, which drains nearly exclusively primary forest. The water is clear and filled with tadpoles and belostomatids, but surprisingly few crabs, to Kainalu’s disappointment.
This summer, I found a tile hot glued to a PVC pipe within the stream—a remnant of a 2015 primary productivity study one of Frank Camacho’s students was performing that was washed out in most sites.
Micanthena Orbweaver
Discovered a few of these Micanthena orbweavers stream-side.
Jerry climbs a strangler fig
2015 NAPIRE… spot Jerry.