The little vegetation that is left in the wetland at Palo Verde is being punished by cattle. The patch on the left is primarily water hyacinth, some of which is actually living (although cattle do a good job of taking care of that). On the right… nothing but sparce patches of some spiny plant.
Tag Archives: Landscape
Lowe’s and Los Lagos
While at the station in San Ramon, we decided to hike the 12 km down the mountian to buy some beer at Soda Los Lagos, a small restuarant at the bottom. On the way down, I took some pictures of ornamental plants being grown in the foreground, with mountainous rainforest in the background…. kind of sad but cool at the same time. The other picture shows Erin and Mike reaching Los Lagos with a team time of 2:23… which won me 2 free beers.
More Rio San Lorencito
It’s dry
The Swimming Hole
On one of the day hikes Hugo led, we stopped at a swimming hole on Rio San Lorencito. The water was about 8 ft deep and crystal clear. On the deepest side, there was a cliff we were able to jump off of… It was a much needed break from our trailless hike.
Hugo is in the background of the first picture.
Another dip
Rio Sue
Upon arrival at RbAMB
Río Abuela
A river Mike sampled for fish was named after the land it drained: Brian’s grandmother’s house and surrounding farm. Brian, Mike’s assistant and friend, is an 18 year-old Costa Rican born and raised on the Osa. His grandmother’s farm, pictured here, was unbearably hot. The picture doesn’t really do the terrain justice; are there any suggestions on how to reduce a flattening effect in photos with lots of depth of field? (or maybe that’s impossible without stereo-lenses)
Rio San Lorencito
Soon, I’ll be experiencing this tropical, premontane, river surrounded by wet forest with the folks in the sequence of photographs below: Mike and Erin. We may be more prepared for a hike through the river this time though….