Although the land recently changed hands, this wetland sits behind my parents house and is home to approximately infinite spring peepers and this snapping turtle. The property was previously owned by the Muscarella’s, but I’m not sure who owns it now. There is a large portion of the wetland that is open and free of the willows, and it is completely covered by Reed Canary Grass with a few ATV tracks blazed through it.
Tag Archives: Wetland
Morning overlook
Crocodile pond
Flooded Catalina
I went to Catalina once again to collect flies and discovered that the wetland is extremely high and has begun to flood the road. The road is more or less a dike, with a canal of flowing water to the left in this photograph, and in this case, the canal is probably close to 2 m in depth and flows over the road a bit.
Last Look From Guayacan
Sunrise from Guayacan
I made it up to take another timelapse of the sunrise from the Guayacan overlook (sunset , both, and first try) . This time, I knew where the sun would be rising from, and it’s in the frame; however, it was a cloudy morning, and the sun isn’t acutally visible until the last couple of seconds!
Diversity effects on decomposition field collection
A couple of days ago, I collected a set of decomposing plant material bundles for my diversity effects on decomposition study. Again, this sequence illustrates some of the methods used to collect the ‘decomposition bundles’ – a combination of dead macrophyte tissue from one to five species, wrapped up with a zip-tie and attached to a string. Replicates are attached to the poles shown here and below (there are five).
Briefly, I uncovered the bundles, carefully sniped them from the string, placed them on a white tray, and bagged them in Whirl-Paks. From there, there is lab processing, which I’ll hopefully have a similar post for soon… |
Misty morning
The level of the vegetation is a bit deceiving below. It may look like the grasses are creeping up the fence, but it’s really the water that is creeping up and bringing the now-very-thick vegetation with it. The water level is almost at my chest, which never occurred last year. It’s also raining almost daily… We’ll see how things are in a couple of weeks, when I’m swimming while sampling and getting caught in that barb wire.