A common house plant, this asparagus fern (actually an angiosperm, not a fern – Asparagus setaceus) is near Pulaski Square.
Tag Archives: Savannah
Green anole
Common foxglove
Digitalis sp. cultivar at a fountain.
Southern toad tadpoles
Southern Toad, Anaxyrus terrestris, tadpoles foraging among the leaf litter.
Green treefrog
Gambusa sp.
Some underwater photographs of some guppies in a pond at the Armstrong greenhouse.
Armstrong flowers
Some flowers on Armstrong’s campus and in the greenhouse.
Litter collection
A student collects a leaf litter from Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus at the end of an experiment we performed during a Coastal Ecology course in 2013.
Chippawa Square
A visit to Chippewa Square.
I think she’s lost weight
Eva has lost a bit of weight since coming home with Allison and I in January 2013.