Tag Archives: Panorama

Shenandoah National Park

Traveling back from Jefferson National Forest, we stopped at Shenandoah National Park, photographing some of the breath-taking views along the ridge-top highway.  A park ranger warned us of an incoming snow storm, which was expected to shut-down the park; the storm came later than predicted, so we weren’t trapped in the park, but when it did arrive, a light dusting covered the area… which was apparently the most snow received all winter… It makes me appreciate real winters.

Shenandoah National Park - Doyle River Trail - 03.26.2011 - 12.28.38_stitch


Shenandoah National Park - Doyle River Trail - 03.26.2011 - 12.13.44_stitch

Jennings’ Woods At Bank Maximum

Last week’s intense rain-on-snow precipitation event caused bank overflow at Jennings’ Woods, destroying some riparian zone experimental plots.  Another large rain event occurred/is occurring this weekend, and I was able to snap some photographs of the river at bank height.  This corresponds with a gauge height of approximately 5 ft at the USGS West Branch of the Mahoning Station near Ravenna, Ohio.  Below are a few panoramas: (1) just upstream from the McCormick Rd bridge, (2) at the second major bend, and (3) a decent way into the property, where the last of Peter’s plot were.

Jennings' Flooding Event - 03.05.2011 - 16.03.33_stitchJennings' Flooding Event - 03.05.2011 - 16.07.26_stitchJennings' Flooding Event - 03.05.2011 - 16.20.36_stitch