Tag Archives: Birds
Black-throated Trogon
Foraging Brown Pelicans
Ochre-bellied Fly catcher
Rosaete-spoon bill
Tricolored Heron
Boat-billed Night-Heron
Ottawa’s blue wetland
Eastern Screech Owl
Snail kites
Most days in the wetland, I observed three snail kites, a family actually. There were two adults and a juvenile at the fence, and most posts were littered with a few apple snail shells. I never though to bring my telephoto lens, so I haven’t taken any real photographs of them, but here, the juvenile is perched on a post in the center of the frame and the smaller of the two adults is flying overhead (I assume it’s the male). While working in the fence, the kites appeared agitated that I was occupying their prime perching locations…