Tag Archives: Landscape

Diversity effects on decomposition field collection

A couple of days ago, I collected a set of decomposing plant material bundles for my diversity effects on decomposition study.  Again, this sequence illustrates some of the methods used to collect the ‘decomposition bundles’ – a combination of dead macrophyte tissue from one to five species, wrapped up with a zip-tie and attached to a string.  Replicates are attached to the poles shown here and below (there are five).

Briefly, I uncovered the bundles, carefully sniped them from the string, placed them on a white tray, and bagged them in Whirl-Paks.  From there, there is lab processing, which I’ll hopefully have a similar post for soon…

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.12.51
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.13.02
Replicate posts

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.13.55
The bundle is nearly indistinquishable from the rest of the plants around it.
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.14.28 Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.14.06
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.18.48
A tray filled with individual bundles, waiting to be bagged.

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.19.03
Number 2.
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.19.30 Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.23.28
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.23.46
Clipping a bundle from the string.

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.58.33
Recording bundle identification numbers
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.58.48
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.59.14
A potato sack was used to carry finished samples. It nicely floats in the 1.5 m of water.

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.59.30
Next time, I'm going to try to get a photograph of myself, to illustrate the depth.
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 08.59.48
Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 09.26.23
Bagged samples.

Decomposition bundle collection - 07.10.2010 - 09.26.40
Collection gear.

Misty morning

The level of the vegetation is a bit deceiving below.  It may look like the grasses are creeping up the fence, but it’s really the water that is creeping up and bringing the now-very-thick vegetation with it.  The water level is almost at my chest, which never occurred last year.  It’s also raining almost daily…  We’ll see how things are in a couple of weeks, when I’m swimming while sampling and getting caught in that barb wire.

Fence view - 07.04.2010 - 07.37.04Fence view - 07.04.2010 - 07.35.31

Diversity effects on decomposition

Here’s a big post illustrating a decomposition assay I recently set out in the wetland.  I created bundles of dead, dried macrophytes in various mixtures, attached them to 3-m of nylon rope and tied the rope to posts in the wetland.   I’ll be collecting a sample soon and may post another sequence.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.20.04
The overall weighing set-up
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.20.25
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.21.15
Bundles of different plant mixtures were separated and stored in these mesh bags until use.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.21.31 Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.05
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.28
A pile of cattail waiting to be weighed.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.22.41

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.23.05
Some bundles were placed in a bucket

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.01.2010 - 15.23.49
Data entry
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 12.08.11
Accumulating bundles

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 12.08.55
A poor photo, but this shows the raw material - large bags of dried plant.

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.25.06
A few small piles of water lily, water hyacinth and Neptunia.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.55.13
A tag and ziptie.
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.26.04

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.02.2010 - 14.55.56
Finished bundles
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 07.58.26
An array of 21 different combinations of organic matter
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 07.58.38

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 08.25.30
Each bundle was attached to a nylon rope
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 08.25.51
Imagine 3 m of this!

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.43.00
Post placement in the wetland.
A view of the posts
Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.45.05
A sinking bundle

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.45.39
Number 70

Diversity effects on decomposition bundles and methods - 07.03.2010 - 14.46.17
Another bundle
Views from the fence - 07.03.2010 - 14.47.34
The wetland is deeper and more lush this year