Tag Archives: Plants

Rio Camarones Oraganic Matter input

I study decomposition in aquatic systems, and most research in this area focuses on leaves as the major source of outside input of organic matter into these systems.  However, in tropical systems, flower and fruit material can make up a substantial portion of OM input in streams, as discuss in Tropical Steam Ecology and evidenced in this photograph.

While sampling, flower parts rained into Rio Camarones in Sirena, completely covering the surface.  And, just like in Ohio, the stream was filled with abundant crustaceans, probably acting as shredders!


Asters at Volcan Irazu

Well, I think they are asters….

In areas with relatively high altitude, plant communities in Costa Rica are quite similar to those found in Ohio.  Many of the species found in these areas belong to the same genera that dominate plant communities here.  For instance, Quercus-dominated (oak) forests are present just below the tree line in Costa Rican mountains.  In fact, I believe there are just over 20 species of Quercus, and at least one of which is endemic (e.g., Quercus costaricensis).  Vaccinium (blue berries) can also be found mountainous areas, but the berries aren’t quite as delicious.