Exploring Skidaway Island State Park.
Tag Archives: Skidaway Island State Park
Wrestling in the mud
Low tide at the intercoastal
Skidaway Island with Amos and Eva
Skidaway boardwalk
Eva enjoys the mud
Fruit of Sea Oxeye
Fruit of Cherokee Rose
Flower of Rosa laevigata is here.
Marsh periwinkle
The Marsh Periwinkle Litoraria irrorata has been well-studied and is a conspicuous, dominant-player in the ecology of salt marshes along the East Coast of the United States. I took these photographs to prepare for a mark-recapture exercise that my Coastal Ecology course performed. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend the exercise, and it was run by my department chair, who is co-teaching the course with me. From the images the students captured, and have posted, the activity seemed productive and fun.
Some carabids
While looking for herps under logs, I often encounter these carabid ground beetles poking their heads from hiding places.