Tag Archives: Mammals

Bat mist netting

A couple of mentors for NAPIRE, the program I’m working with this summer in Costa Rica, are guiding students in collecting bat-data… Currently, they have used mist nets to collect bats near the station and they data a myriad of data from each bat. Here are some photos of their collections.  Look out for the bat parasites (bat flies in this case)!


Also posted on Facebook.

[fbalbum url=”https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.264420400363137&type=1″]

Neotropical Otter Prints and Scat

Yes… weird, I know, but here are some photographs of Neotropical Otter (Lontra longicaudis) sign taken during some field work on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica.  These are not recent photographs, but throwbacks…

The scat was interesting: lots of pieces and parts of shrimp are included.  We encountered several otters in various rivers throughout the Osa, and one hadn’t noticed us as we seined for characids (a type of fish we were interested in collecting) and missed running into my leg in ~4 feet of water by a hair….  But they were always too fast to photograph, so this will have to do…

Neotropical Otter Tracks and Scat - Lontra longicaudis - 02.02.2010 - 11.24.29

Neotropical Otter Tracks and Scat - Lontra longicaudis - 02.02.2010 - 11.24.54