Tag Archives: Insects
Belastomatid laying eggs
Chimney building aquatic insect
What creates these small, sand, chimneys on the flow-facing surface of boulders? These were found in Rio Bella Vista, a fast-moving, cold, cascading stream in Las Alturas.
Leafcutter ant reproductive caste
The leaf-cutter, reproductive female caste (new queens – Atta cephalotes) emerge in mass and begin digging new homes!
Parasitoid pupae from a caterpillar
Parasitoid larvae, probably from a wasp, have emerged from the black wounds of this caterpillar, perhaps a hesperidae butterfly, and pupated.
Check out the trachea (the branching gas exchange organs observed through the skin of the caterpillar) and the punctures from the larval exits!
A couple of caterpillars in Las Alturas
Found along Sendero Echandi.
Beetles in moss
Spotted tiger beetle
A few more images of the tiger beetle (Carabidae, Cicindelinae, Pseudoxycheila tarsalis) commonly found in Las Cruces.
Cristian braves handling it—the serrated jaws pierce his skin. There is a horn extending from the labrum that is also serrated.