I found a female with attached spermatophores, but failed to take a photograph. Here’s a male… still beautiful.
Tag Archives: Las Cruces
Impatiens sp.
Impatiens spp. are blooming along roads and forest gaps.
A large scarabaeidae beetle
Bat mist netting
A couple of mentors for NAPIRE, the program I’m working with this summer in Costa Rica, are guiding students in collecting bat-data… Currently, they have used mist nets to collect bats near the station and they data a myriad of data from each bat. Here are some photos of their collections. Look out for the bat parasites (bat flies in this case)!
Also posted on Facebook.
[fbalbum url=”https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.264420400363137&type=1″]
A quick peek at diversity with a black light
Confluence of Río Java and Quebrada Cunsingo
Underwater photography
Great Tinamou
Headed to Las Cruces
Dam along Río Java
The streams at Las Cruces are fairly impacted. There are a handful of smaller streams (1st-2nd order) that drain only secondary or primary forest, but most of the larger streams run through some abandoned pasture or have some sort of flow management impact like this one. My students are interested in water quality, so these impacts make for good gradients to survey.