Tag Archives: Costa Rica

An overlook at Las Cruces

A small group of us hiked to some newly acquired abandon pasture at the Las Cruces Biological Station that sits at the highest elevation of the reserve–1400 m. The northeastern view looks at the Talamanca mountain range, where Las Alturas de Coton is located, and, more broadly, La Amistad International Biosphere Reserve, which is a protected area covering southern Costa Rica and norther Panama.

Emerald glass frogs in amplexis

Two pair of Emerald Glass Frogs (Centrolenidae: Centrolenella prosoblepon), in amplexis, readying themselves to release their gamates.

On some of the images, you can see a small blue-ish spike that is anterior to the male’s forelegs. This spike is diagnostic of the genus and is used by males to compete for mates.