Anolis carolinensis at the greenhouse.
Common foxglove
Digitalis sp. cultivar at a fountain.
Southern toad tadpoles
Southern Toad, Anaxyrus terrestris, tadpoles foraging among the leaf litter.
Green treefrog
Gambusa sp.
Some underwater photographs of some guppies in a pond at the Armstrong greenhouse.
Armstrong flowers
Some flowers on Armstrong’s campus and in the greenhouse.
Juvenile narrow mouth toad
During a herpetology course at Armstrong State University field trip, Dr. Collier shows some students a juvenile anuran, likely a Narrow Mouth Toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis). Here’s another microhylid!
Litter collection
A student collects a leaf litter from Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus at the end of an experiment we performed during a Coastal Ecology course in 2013.
Stink bug
A stinky pentatomid that Cristian swatted out of the sky at Las Alturas. The orange-ish fluid it excreted covers Cristian’s hands and was poignant.
Exploring the salt marsh
Walking and sniffing the mud in the vast salt marshes surrounding Harris Neck.