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Tag Archives: Landscape
Bienvenidos a La Leona
Incoming plane!
On the hike to the Sirena field station, Corcovado, Mike, Bryan and I emerged from the forest onto an open, grassy area, unaware of its purpose. Slugishly walking up the runway with our gear, we heard what sounded like a chain saw ahead. As it turned out, it was a plane about to land on the runway we were walking up, and, because of exhaustion, we narrowly reacted in time to move to the edge, out of the way. It was a frightening experience. Here is a sequence of a different landing – I of course didn’t have time to take my camera out the first time…
Sirena to La Leona
Leaf-input to tropical streams
Rio Claro receives a substantial amount of leaf-input from surround trees, particularly in the dry season. Organic matter processing and the importance of these inputs are little study in tropical streams, especially in comparison with temperate systems, where we know that excluding this vital energy source dramatically changes in-stream communities, which can then affect terrestrial, riparian ecosystems. Given the great abundance of invertebrates, like shrimp, that are likely shredders and biofilm-grazing snails, it’s likely that tropical streams operate similar to temperate streams… Anyway, here’s some leaf packs.
Rio Claro, Sirena
Doyle River Falls Panorama
Doyle Falls: Part 2
Doyle Falls: Part 1
Shenandoah National Park
Traveling back from Jefferson National Forest, we stopped at Shenandoah National Park, photographing some of the breath-taking views along the ridge-top highway. A park ranger warned us of an incoming snow storm, which was expected to shut-down the park; the storm came later than predicted, so we weren’t trapped in the park, but when it did arrive, a light dusting covered the area… which was apparently the most snow received all winter… It makes me appreciate real winters.