Tag Archives: Costa Rica

Monitoring temperature and humidity along an elevation gradient

During NAPIRE 2013, a couple of mentors and the station director at Las Cruces Biological Station decided to set up iButtons to remotely monitor temperature and relative humidity at 100 m increments along an elevation gradient. The aim was to place an iButton from 1100 m to 1400 m at the reserve at Las Cruces, then include the forest at Las Alturas to monitor 1500 to 2100 m.

I helped to set out the sensing units at Las Cruces, and this past year, during NAPIRE 2015, I happened across one of them… I recognized the site when visiting Katie’s butterfly roosting experiment.

Katie and Adrea butterflies - 07.22.2015 - 09.12.04

Predation risk of roosting Ithomiin butterflies

Adrea, a recent PhD graduate from UCLA, is mentoring three students in the NAPIRE program with projects on Ithomiin butterflies—a diverse group of clear-winged, neotropical butterflies that form breeding aggregations and tend to roost together.  One of Adrea’s students, Katie, is investigating predation risk of roosting butterflies using models of two species that she’s constructed. Here, Katie checks her model butterflies for damage inflicted by predation attempts on the models.

West Branch of the Rio Java

Some images of the West Branch of Rio Java.

This branch drains primary forest, and is rich in macroinvertebrate diversity, but doesn’t appear to have fish. In 2013, David surveyed this stream for fish, but did not discover any, and this year, Jackalyn collected macroinvertebrates using a D-net and immediately found a couple of new taxonomic groups she had previously not sampled.

The stream is steep, which likely prevents fish dispersal, and it’s bedrock substrate isn’t forgiving when the near-daily rains fill the banks.