Tag Archives: Las Cruces

Emerald glass frogs in amplexis

Two pair of Emerald Glass Frogs (Centrolenidae: Centrolenella prosoblepon), in amplexis, readying themselves to release their gamates.

On some of the images, you can see a small blue-ish spike that is anterior to the male’s forelegs. This spike is diagnostic of the genus and is used by males to compete for mates.


Another tettigoniid

At least I think this is another long-horned orthopteran.  There are several families in the tropics of Orthopterans that I don’t know, so it could be something entirely different. This individual has a short-horned grasshopper appearance (Acrididae), but extremely long antennae, which is a characteristic of the tettigonids (i.e., katydids).  The tympana location differs between the two families too: it should be on the tibia of the fore-legs in tettigonids as seen here.