Preparing to leave the station after a productive and fun workshop to prepare for mentoring NAPIRE students this coming summer. The crew includes research mentors, like myself, home mentors, coordinators and the director of education at OTS.
Tag Archives: Costa Rica
Some rain frogs
At least two species and my guesses are: Pygmy rain frog, Strabomantidae, Pristimantis ridens (formerly Eleutherodactylus).
And Craugastor crassidigitus of Craugastoridae, which I vaguely recall catching with Luke Frishkoff back in 2013 for his dissertation project.
Cabina Artibeus
Into the Sendero
Some backlogged stream photos from Las Cruces
A few images from Rio Java at Las Cruces from 2013, including some photographs of partially buried litter bags from Mel’s project.
Cicindelid tiger beetle
Some basidiomycetes
NAPIRE mentor workshop 1
Some results of a night stroll at Las Cruces during the NAPIRE mentor workshop.
Páramo fern
San Vito Birding Club
Members and volunteers of the San Vito Bird Club band and take measures of mist-netted birds they’ve caught at Finca Cantaros in 2013.