Tag Archives: Palo Verde
Catalina wetland
The wetland plant composition is slightly different in Catalina. Pistia seems to dominate many open water areas, rather than Eichhornia and there are large patches of Lemna (pictured below) in some parts. Of course, the dominate emergent is Typha, but there is some Thalia. The Typha seems much more dominate this year than last, but I’m not sure if the wetland is managed similar to the wetland in the Palo Verde sector. Margins of the wetland have lots of Parkinsonia.
Rio Tempisque
Flowering Neptunia and Eichhornia
Colorful orthopterans
From the Top
Hovering fly
I don’t know if this is a Syrphid (hoverfly), but it was certainly hovering. Generally, Syrphids have some yellow-black patterning, but this individual lacked that generally obvious characteristic. I only took two photographs of the fly, but both turned out kind of cool.