Tag Archives: NAPIRE
Hiking with other mentors at Las Alturas
A climbing fern
Moss forest
Cecropia and Ants
Stonefly exuvia
Brown, leaf-mimicking, katydid
Collecting Miconia appendiculata
Mel and José collected several similar looking, native species for their decomposition experiments. We chose leaves of Miconia appendiculata and an invasive bamboo (collecting leaves here) to compare in their experiments. Here, they collect the M. appendiculata leaves from trees lining the Río Java.
Liverwort gametangia and sporophytes
Liverworts are common around stream banks and trail edges at Las Cruces. They form large, mats along steep banks. Some, including the one below, have gamete-producing structures projecting from their flat “leaves”. From these dome-like gametangia, hair like projections (sporophytes) hang and release spores to begin the next generation.