Tag Archives: Amos

Eastern Box Turtle

For the first time in the wild, I came across an Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene carolina carolina at Cascade Springs Nature Preserve. I, of course, have a pet box turtle (Rocky) adopted from the Leff’s at Kent State University (who had adopted it from a former graduate student… who had taken it in from a middle school student of hers, I believe), but I had never encountered a wild one.  While it was exciting, and I did get to see it exposed out of the shell, Amos was with me and scared the turtle into hiding, so I couldn’t get a descent shot.

Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina carolina - 05.27.2012 - 10.54.43

Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina carolina - 05.27.2012 - 10.53.49

Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina carolina - 05.27.2012 - 10.50.39

Meet Amos

Yep, Allison and I adopted a new dog: Amos. 

In keeping with our naming ‘theme’, we pronounce his name as you might in Spanish; it’s ‘ahh’ then ‘mos’ similar to the ‘o’ in “most”.  This way, we can say “Vamos Amos!”

Anyway, he’s another 2 year-old dachshund mix (clearly a mix… possibly of a chuhuahua…like a long chuhuaaaaaaaaaahua) we picked up at the Atlanta Humane Society and has already grown to be a part of our family.  Here, he wades at Cascade Spring Nature Preserve, waiting for me to move so he can reach dry land.

Cascade Springs with Amos - 05.19.2012 - 14.36.54