Centrolenella prosoblepon
Monthly Archives: July 2018
Eyes in the Stream Anoles
Anolis (Norops) aquaticus has bluish-green eyes, while the Anolis oxylophus has coppery eyes, as I’ve written about before. Here are those pretty eyes.
Anthorium salvinii
Stick insect
Spot the katydid
Belastomatid laying eggs
Piper trichomes
Some more small snails
Long-whiskered catfish and Pencil catfish
Two catfish are distributed throughout Las Cruces streams. The long-whiskered catfish (Rhamdia rogersi) is present in Río Java and several small streams, including Quebrada Culvert and the upstream Quebrada Culebra. The other, the Pencil Catfish (Trichomycterus striatus), I have only caught in Río Java.
Here, minnow traps were used to collect crabs and both species of catfish were caught as by-catch.
Additionally, while we collected the pencil catfish in 2013 and subsequent years, it doesn’t look like I ever published any images—so here are a few old images of Trichomycterus.