Quebrada Cerro

One of my favorite streams within the Las Cruces preserve is Quebrada Cerro, which drains nearly exclusively primary forest. The water is clear and filled with tadpoles and belostomatids, but surprisingly few crabs, to Kainalu’s disappointment.

This summer, I found a tile hot glued to a PVC pipe within the stream—a remnant of a 2015 primary productivity study one of Frank Camacho’s students was performing that was washed out in most sites.


I ran into two Bothrops asper (Fer-de-lance or Terciopelo) on Las Cruces trails (one on Sendero Selva and one on the Water Trail) this year (so far), which is two more than any other year since 2013. Below are a few images of the two.

The only other B. asper I’ve seen in the area was Finca Cantaros in 2013 while batting. The first was a juvenile in a stream bed at Campanario (on the Osa Penninsula) in 2008 that we (at least Oscar Rocha and Mike Monfredi) encountered while walking upstream.