Southern Toad, Anaxyrus terrestris, tadpoles foraging among the leaf litter.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
Green treefrog
Gambusa sp.
Some underwater photographs of some guppies in a pond at the Armstrong greenhouse.
Armstrong flowers
Some flowers on Armstrong’s campus and in the greenhouse.
Juvenile narrow mouth toad
During a herpetology course at Armstrong State University field trip, Dr. Collier shows some students a juvenile anuran, likely a Narrow Mouth Toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis). Here’s another microhylid!
Litter collection
A student collects a leaf litter from Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus at the end of an experiment we performed during a Coastal Ecology course in 2013.
Stink bug
A stinky pentatomid that Cristian swatted out of the sky at Las Alturas. The orange-ish fluid it excreted covers Cristian’s hands and was poignant.
Exploring the salt marsh
Walking and sniffing the mud in the vast salt marshes surrounding Harris Neck.
Bouncing ears
Amos and Eva catch up and jump through the grass at Harris Neck.
Amphipods at Armstrong
After some heavy rains this week, thousands of stranded amphipods were dried up in the Science Center, possibly emerging from a over flowing drain.