Amos learns to wear a muzzle


Amos is bad with kids… really bad.  He’ll generally growl at small children and has once lunged at a two-year-old, barely grazing the girl’s hand.  Soon after that incident, I bought him a muzzle and occasionally make him wear it at parks, so he doesn’t associate it with punishment.  Usually, for at least ten minutes, he’s concentrated on trying to remove it.  Sometimes he even gives up walking and just lays down, acting sad.

Skidaway with Amos and Eva - 20130118 - 2

Sandy nose
Sandy nose
Giving up
Giving up

Corn snake (1) has passed


Today, 1 died around the age of 24.   He had refused to eat for several months, and may have developed digestive problems.  I had inherited two corn snakes a few years ago from a professor at Kent, De Szalay, who had reared them from eggs during his masters work.

1 is survived by his brother, 2, and his adopted family, including four turtles and two dogs.

Corn snakes and Boa constrictor feeding - 02.18.2010 - 19.11.25

Allison and I pose for Christmas photographs.  I'm holding 1.
Allison and I pose for Christmas photographs. I’m holding 1.

Christmas Snakes - 12.23.2010 - 21.36.40

1 finishes his meal.
1 finishes his meal.
Exploring the new tank.
Exploring the new tank.