Tha wata’ comin’

Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.08 Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.17
Rain in the Palo Verde Wetland - 06.21.2010 - 15.09.31_stitch 2

  As I stated before, it’s quite easy to see the rain coming (here and here and here and here too).  Huge sheets of rain cloud views of the distance mountains and hills.  Although I wasn’t able to photograph it because I quickly shoved my camera in a dry bag, the sheets climbed and draped over the mountain to the right and headed straight for me.  They were so heavy, not only was it impossible to see the mountain, but it was difficult to make out a birding tower about 100 m away.

Additionally, I’ve been taking a number of panoramas in the field and quickly stitching the photographs together using Microsoft ICE.   They make amazing backgrounds for the new wide-screen displays that are standard on today’s laptops and desktops!


This is my 500th post!  Although that number isn’t that substantial compared to some others (i.e., over 10,000 here or 5000 here), I think that nearly all of my posts include original work (photographs) and rarely have I essentially reposted about a topic with a brief, original comment, as is what ‘big’ blogs sometimes do.  Sure, those ‘big’ blogs require tons of work and time, but I contend that the content per post is low or the physical effort needed per post is low (i.e., reading and commenting on the latest news item from a computer screen).  Regardless if that’s the truth, I’m excited.

My first post was on 31 January 2009, which was about 513 days ago (0.97 posts/d), so, basically, for the last 500 days I have made one post a day.  To that end, I will have one Imperial today.  Cheers.