

While Boa and I machete’d through 7 km of Thalia today collecting bags filled with nothing, I was stung by a wasp on the lip.  What hurts worse than that, however, is the fact that I haven’t take a single pictures in Costa Rica yet!  I’ve been busy, hot and tired.  Everything seems to take twice as long because the wetland vegetation is 5 times as thick.

So, in honor of the wasp next I destroyed today, here is a wasp found at Jennings’ Woods, with an incredible ovipositor/abdomen.

To Palo Verde


Having ‘finished’ candidacy exams, I’m in San Jose and will be traveling to Palo Verde tomorrow morning with Boa.  From what I’ve heard, the wetland at Palo Verde is relatively low for this time of year (it should be nearly double what it is currently [waist height]) and is full of thick vegetation.  I hope I’m physically prepared to chop through 6 km of wetland vegetation tomorrow afternoon…

This photograph was taken soon after the wetland started filling.  I will try to get a similar photo for comparison…