
Some of my first attempts to take some trendy macro photographs of various actions.  These are a couple of samples of macro photos I took of research in San Ramon.   Allison was usually in charge of releasing and calling out artificial leaves into the streams and Mike was timing the releases – thus, our two hand models.  I wish that I had played around with the depth of field a little more on these, but I still think they came out well.  It’s difficult to take this type of photograph in the field, particularly in a dark, canopy-covered stream bed.

Litter release - Rio Nai 4-4-2009 7-20-10 AM Litter release - Rio Nai 4-4-2009 7-20-53 AM


Any available free time in San Ramon, Mike, Erin, Allison and I played cards.  We were addicted to cribbage and the bean game (Bohnanza), which was preferred by another student present in the reserve at the time: Kyle.  Allison wasn’t quite as bad as the rest of us, reading a book on circadian biology filled with references to tropical organisms on the stream bed as we set up a mock cribbage table on a large boulder.

Litter Release - Rio San Lorencito - Downstream 4-4-2009 1-55-45 PM Litter Release - Rio San Lorencito - Downstream 4-4-2009 1-56-10 PM