Lower Falls

Lower Falls - 07.25.2009 - 09.31.57

Downstream from the lower falls at Letchworth State Park, the river is naturally channelized between two large cliff faces.  From the foot bridge across the river, I think every patron that visits the park takes a photograph, particularly now that digital cameras are so popular.  I, of course, am no exception.

Purple gallinule


A fantastically colorful wetland bird, the purple gallinule was skittish and quiet.  It prefers roasting in the cattail (Typha) and would squeeze into a small area within the cattail, keep totally silent and watch as I walked by, making it difficult to photograph them.  Most instances when I did see them, it was only their white rump as the quickly flew away.

Meet Coral

Coral, my father’s new haflinger, was born in late May and I was able to see her for the first time last weekend.  She’s excitable, curious and very pretty.  Additionally, she likes here chest scratched – her eyes nearly roll back if you scratch hard enough.

Horses - Coral - 07.25.2009 - 14.52.09

Horses - Coral - 07.25.2009 - 14.51.23
Allison meets Coral.

Horses - Coral - 07.25.2009 - 15.05.40
Coral stomps... she wants to play, not eat grass.

Behind the scenes

Most of my herp pictures weren’t taken in the field proper.  The animals were brought back to the lab, placed near the lab and photographed in an environment that was a bit more comfortable and tolerable for the photographer.  In addition to photographing the individuals, measurements such as length and weight were taken in a quick and dirty effort to provide some longer-term monitoring of these species.  Below, Mahmood (left) and Vinny (right – a fellow IRES student that arrived 1 July… the day I took to recover from my birthday) photograph a Micrurus. 

Mahmood and Vincent photographing Coral Snake - 07.11.2009 - 12.14.56