The folks from Alpena Community College that enjoyed both the sunset and sunrise with me: Rob, Nic, Macie, and Jamie. (I certianly didn’t spell those correctly, but hopefully I got the right names…)
Daily Archives: 14 May 2009
Both the Sunrise and the Sunset
In my second attempt at doing some time lapse photography, I captured both the sunset and the following sunrise.
Boa finds a Boa
A few days ago, Boa (named so for several non-mutually exclusive reasons: (1) he loves boas, (2) he has a boa tattoo on his back and (3) he’s crazy…) found a Boa constrictor. He also found a Paint Wood Turtle, both at the amphibian drift fences that he checks twice daily. He immediately ran back to the station to share the excitement, once again. It was my first sighting of a wild Boa and now it’s actually being housed in our shared bedroom; Boa determined that the snake was sick, and is attempting to nurse it back to health.
This morning, we fed it a Mexican Mouse Opossum, but there were too many people watching and Eva (the snake’s name) release the marsupial and hasn’t ingested it.
I’m posting several pictures with Boa because he’s been advertising to tourists, groups and friends.
Branding time
While collecting frogs from a drift fence, a herd of 400 cattle loudly stomped passed us. It was somewhat frightening to be in the path of so many large vertebrates that were running blindly through the dry forest from ranchers. The ranchers herded the cattle to the Palo Verde MINAE station to they could brand the sub-adults. Boa and I watched while sitting on the fence as the unbranded cattle were roped and unwillingly dragged from the herd by a horse.