Although I had previously seen one outside the lab at the Palo Verde OTS Station, this Parrot snake was caught by Boa, who promptly brought it to me to share in the excitment.
Daily Archives: 13 May 2009
Ecology is hard
When I downloaded this photograph, I noticed that there is alot going on in it.
I have taken a few photos of wetland plants for identification purposes, and I keyed this little floating plant (well, the larger one of the two…. I think the smaller one is either Lemna aequinactialis or Spirodela polyrhiza [Duckweed]) to Limnobium laevigatum. After I keyed it out, I noticed the aphids or other sucking bug, and then I noticed the fly in the upper left. It was hard enough to key the one plant out… now I have two plants in one picture, potentially competing, a herbivore concentrated on one plant, and another spectating insect that could itself and/or its larva be a predator on the herbivore!