If it appears as though the posts on this site don’t have a theme, it’s because they don’t. Most posts are basically just a random picture I come across while browsing my collection. This particular photo was taken at the Leicester Falls, which I attribute as the birth place of my interest in photography. Soon after I purchased my first digital camera, an Olympus D-100, I began photographing the Leicester Falls regularly, usually with Mike Valentino. This photo wasn’t taken with my good ol’ D-100, but it was taken with my second digital camera, a Canon PowerShot a530, which is the camera the majority of my pictures were taken with so far.
Daily Archives: 6 February 2009
Collembolan Orgy
Collembola are an insect-like arthropod common just about everywhere. In forest leaf litter, many species of collembola graze on fungus as the fungus decomposes leaves and sticks. During the fall, some will come together in mass quantities to breed. I caught one of these breeding events at Kent Bog and snapped this photograph. Horny little buggers.
Patches and Chelsea
Some introductory images of Patches (the miniture horse) and Chelsea (the Haflinger). They’re kind of like gigantic dogs; you can get them all excited so they run around in circles and attempt to jump on you. I think the only difference may be that they can’t put their tail between their legs while they run around.