Category Archives: Gallery

Northern Water Snake


While collecting stream insects for some lab rearing I was doing, I ran into this water snake.  Of course, I immediately picked it up and, astonishingly, was not bitten.  After a futile attempt to calm the snake, I set him down and snapped a few pictures of its aggressive, flatten stance.  The scale across the snake’s eye is blueish, indicating that it will likely molt soon.  Indeed, a couple of days later, I caught the same snake (well, presumably the same one, given that it was under the same piece of bark), and it had a fresh, shinning layer of scales. Further, its aggressiveness was reduced the second time around, adding to evidence, at least in my experience, that snakes get kind of angry when they are close to molting.

Gymnastics Allstars

gymnastics-allstars-2008-11-6-2008-9-21-12-pmgymnastics-allstars-2008-11-6-2008-9-24-04-pmLast fall, I went to the Gymnastics Allstars event held at the Quicken Arena in Cleveland.  Most of the athletes that participated in the 2008 Summer Olympics performed some mediocre routines with crappy teen-rock playing in the background and strobe lights flashing.  I wouldn’t recommend wasting your time or money on an event like this unless you’re a 10 year-old girl.

Anyway, the one cool part, I thought, was when a few little girls performed a floor routine.  On the right, you can just make one out doing a blurry cartwheel.

First shots

thanksgiving-skipping-rocks-with-tom-and-nick-2006-11-23-1-18-44-pm This is one of the first shots I took with my Canon PowerShot.  It was exciting to see the vividness of the colors in this unedited photography when I first viewed it.  The picture was taken of my house and grandfather’s barn across an alfalfa field in November.  The flat terrain reminds me of Ohio, but I assure you, there’s a hill behind me.