Crocodylus acutus
Category Archives: Gallery
Coniophanes fissidens
One of two snakes we saw, Coniophanes fissidens is a somewhat dull, rear-fanged, litter-dwelling snake. Another species in the same genus, Coniophanes piceivittis, is common in Palo Verde and packs a mean bite.
Rio San Pedrillo Sampling Site
Unknown Huevos
Near the waterfall pictured yesterday, I discovered several eggs exposed in the stream bed. They are no doubt reptilian, but I’m not positive which type. Given the great abundance of Basilisca vittatum (Jesus Christ Lizard or basilisk) surrounding the stream, the size, and the general lack of turtles, I’d guess they are from a basilisk. Further, given that the eggs are exposed, they are unlikely to be viable… que triste.
Rio San Pedrillo
Today, Mike and I leave San Jose for Cleveland. We successfully trekked Peninsula de Osa and collected some solid data for Mike’s dissertation at 14 beautiful, tropical streams, the first of which, Rio San Pedrillo, is pictured below. A great start to a great trip.