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Category Archives: Animals
More Froglets
The froglets were emerging from the wetland around the same time. Although Leptodactylus melanonotus was a couple weeks ahead, L. poecilochilus, Smilisca baudinii, and Hypopachus variolosus emerged very close to one another, and these three differ markedly in their morphology and, presumably, feeding behavior. The co-generic species are obviously much more similar to one another than to the others, and could be foraging on similar prey or in similar habitat. Is there a reason for this anecdotally observed pattern? Are the co-generic species emerging at different times to avoid competition?
Hog-nosed Viper
Purple gallinule
A fantastically colorful wetland bird, the purple gallinule was skittish and quiet. It prefers roasting in the cattail (Typha) and would squeeze into a small area within the cattail, keep totally silent and watch as I walked by, making it difficult to photograph them. Most instances when I did see them, it was only their white rump as the quickly flew away.
Jacana in flight
Name the Family
Fringe-toed foamfrog
Oxybelis aeneus
The Brown Vinesnake was aggressive and pretty. Although it did manage to bite me once while handling it, it was a fairly slow snake and holding it just behind the head immobilized it. It was so agressive, that it began biting sticks and leaves that crossed it’s path in the tree while we held it for photographs. Here, it strikes at my camera…
Take that Paul
In Cahuita National Park in Limon, we discovered three eyelash pitvipers in about a 500 m stretch. Boa had invited me to Limon (his provence) to stay with his family one night, and then at a hostel in Puerto Viejo the next. Meanwhile, we stopped at Cahuita, Boa’s former and potentially future place of employment, to take a hike through the gorgeous park and look for once final poisonous snake that I had never seen. I was introduced to two of Boa’s friends and a puppy named Feliz while there and promised I would post the pictures of the vipers when I returned home for Boa and to rub the finds in Paul’s face, since he went home without seeing one of these beautiful snakes.
Mejor Hypopachus
A better photo of the sheep frog, Hypopachus variolosus. The males of this species secrete some kind of glue substance from their belly to adhere to mates when they amplex. It’s nearly impossible to remove the male when that occurs. And, when there are a couple hundred of these guys in a bucket, there are always several pairs linked up…
Before leaving, the froglets began to emerge from the wetland.