This was my first attempt to get a shot of a bird with my new Olympus e-420. Although I had to crop most of the sky from the original image, the picture, taken with the kit lens, turned out decently. I think the gull’s neatly tucked away feet look cool.
Category Archives: Animals
Anatomy of a fish
Here, Mike gets a first look at the internal anatomy of a yellow perch (Perca flavescens). This opportunity was provided at the Stone Laboratory on Lake Erie for a class in Aquatic Ecology. There will be more perch pictures, but not quite as gruesome.
Jamie’s Mom
I found this midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) in an oxbow on the edge of the Jennings Woods property. This individual had only three legs, the fourth having apparently been gnawed off by a predator (or just a neighborhood dog). The turtle’s reduce mobility and the fact that it was a cool spring day made capturing the normally very skitish turtle much easier.