Category Archives: Animals
A real coral snake
This time, we saw the coral snake and I got an image of it… although somewhat crappy since it’s head was below the litter. I wasn’t exactly willing to force it from hiding. Boa, on the other hand, made a somewhat violent attempt though.
White Ibis
There is a pair of Jabiru at the wetland I’ve been going to do work in. Jabiru are kind of like storks with a red throat. I’ve heard that they are endangered, with less than 100 left in the wild in Costa Rica, although Wikipedia says otherwise. Regardless, they are a gigantic, beautiful bird.
Long-tailed manakin
My shoes smell
Dry forest leopard frog
Dead toad
Banded cat-eyed snake
A new snake species for me: the Machete Savanne or Banded cat-eyed snake Leptodeira annulata.